SMA IA 34 Yogyakarta (Internasional)

Becoming a world-class senior high school institution that upholds Islamic values and national identity of Indonesia to produce future leaders with Islamic character and growth mindset, being intelligent, independent, patriotism.


Becoming a world-class education institution at the secondary level with strong Islamic values and Indonesian national identity in order to produce pious, virtuous character, intelligent, independent, and enthusiastic world leaders who are capable of growing in alignment with the current era.


  1. Providing a world class education that is infused with Islamic values and is based on Pancasila and UUD 1945 in order to create a loving and respectful educational ecosystem.

  2. Providing education that is able to produce well-rounded graduates and develop their true potentials in academic, social, spiritual, and personality so that they can always thrive in life.

  3. Providing education that can always keep up with the development of science and technology by employing creative and innovative approaches, both in local and global contexts in order to prepare graduates to excel in their higher education.

  4. Providing a comprehensive education system to produce Moslem scholars as global citizens who are capable of becoming future leaders while still upholding their national identity as Indonesians.


1. Sports clubs 

- (Golf, Basketball, Futsal, Athletic, Archery, Swimming, Gym)

2. Cultural Activities 

- (Arts, Music, Design, and Dance)

3. Islamic Studies 

- (Tahfidz, Tafsir & Tilawah)

4. Journalism and Broadcasting



  1. Integrated Comprehensive Curriculum Design
  2. Domestic and International Partnerships
  3. International Immersion Programs
  4. Incorporating Native Teachers
  5. Strengthening Islamic Values as foundation 
  6. Pathways programs for continuing education \
  7. Well-rounded education
  8. Globally oriented
  9.  Partnership program
  10. Immersion program (Northern Illinois University)
  11. Student exchange\
  12. Tahfidz & Tafsir Alquran
  13. Native English Teacher (Northern Illinois University)
  14. Training program for talented students


  1. Learning facilities (IT Lab, Science Lab, Music Room, Smart board)
  2. Living arrangements (Boarding and Shuttle)
  3. Hobbies and extracurricular facilities, Conference hall
  4. Mosque, Cafeteria, Sports Arena, Amphitheater
  5. Counseling room, Art exhibition and Digital library 
  6. Fire Protection and Lightning Rod
  7. WIFI All Room
  8. Member Card Al Azhar


Student Admission SMA IA 34 YOGYAKARTA
Academic Year: 2024-2025

Class Categories:

  •    Non Boarding
  •    Boarding

Registration Schedule

  • 1st Batch: 10 Oct – 31 Dec 2024
  • 2nd Batch: 1 Jan - 31 Mar 2025
  • 3rd Batch: 1 Apr - 31 Jun 2025

Registration Requirement

  • 15 years old in July 2024
  • Copy of KK
  • Copy of Birth Certificate
  • Junior high school certificate / report card
  • photo ID 3x4 = 2 sheet (colored)
  • Registration Fee
    Non Boarding Rp 700.000,-
    Boarding Rp 800.000,-

See the brochure (Click Here)

Whatsapp: 0851-7993-4347
instagram : @alazhar34_ihs